Roularta Advertising strengthens structure with new integration
Roularta Advertising strengthens structure with new integration
Starting January 2025, Roularta Advertising and Roularta Business Media have renewed their structure to better address the challenges and opportunities in the media landscape. The National Regie centralizes all advertising sales teams, focusing on customer segments and an integrated multimedia offering
New sales structure
Four sales managers lead multidisciplinary teams:
- Steven Van Genechten: Mobility, finance, energy, telecom, consultancy, and more.
- Eva Bohez: FMCG, retail, health, beauty, fashion, and deco.
- Mireille De Braekeleer: Agencies.
- Christian Nikuna Pemba: Theme specials.
- Gert Mertens: Trends Top and Kanaal Z.
The sales teams are supported by three expertise teams for Brand Studio, Marketing & Ad Management, and Sales Support.
One strong business brand: Trends
The business brands Kanaal Z, Canal Z, and TBI are integrated into the parent brand Trends, which becomes the reference for the Belgian business community.
With this new structure, led by Philippe Belpaire (Roularta Advertising) and Saskia Schatteman (Roularta Business Media, interim), Roularta looks ambitiously towards a successful 2025.